1. Download the patition tool "AOMEI Partition Assistant Lite".

2. Run the "AOMEI Partition Assistant Lite".

3. Right click on the drive letter of the MicroSD card——Select" Delete all Partitions" —— Click "Apply" in the upper left corner.



4.Click "Proceed", there's a system prompts: All operations have been completed successfully.


5. Right click on the drive letter of the MicroSD card——Select "Create Partition".


6. Select "FAT" as File System——Click "OK" —— Click "Apply" in the upper left corner.


7. Click" Proceed", there's a system prompts: All operations have been completed successfully.

1. According to this operation,all of the MicroSD card can be formatted as 4G FAT which is compatible with V-990/V-900.
2. The MicoSD card can be recoverd to the original format by executing the "FAT partition" of the tool.


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