Take "Windows" as an example

Note: The test environment is a place with open sky (not near a window).
Testing is to be performed after the P-9 Race has been positioned. The entire test requires at least 30 minutes of data.

The P-9 Race can provide: better than horizontal direction 0.7m/CEP(50%); 2.0m/CEP(95%).
CEP refers to Circular Error Probable. 0.7m/CEP(50%) means that the probability of the track points falling within a 0.7m radius is greater than 50%; 2.0m/CEP(95%)* means that the probability of the track points falling within a 2.0m radius is greater than 95%.

1. Connect to the P-9 Race on Windows>

2. Download and run "GnssToolKit">
Change the language to English, then restart the software.

3. Click "Serialport" - "Port name" - select the port where P-9 Race is located.

4. Choose "View" – "Fix".

5. Choose "View" – "Fix". On the "Fix View" window, right-click, click "Show/Hide gizmo", and select "Follow current point".


6. In the positioning status, in a static state and wait for 30 minuets. After waiting for the test, right click on the page, right-click on the page and select "Edit center location".

7. Click "Fill with average".

8. Click "Calculate" in the lower right corner to display the statistical results.

Measured value as shown in the figure*:
0.52m/CEP(50%); 1.00m/CEP(95%)。
The test results will vary depending on the location of the equipment, the weather, and the time period.

* Data from testing in ideal open environments.