Take "Windows" as an example

1. Connect to the P-7 Pro on Windows>

2. Download and run "GnssToolKit">
Change the language to English, then restart the software.

3. Select "Serialport" - "Baudrate" - "57600".

4. Click "SerialPort" - "Port name" - select the port where the P-7 Pro is located.

5. Select "View" - "NMEA" to view the received NMEA sentences.

6. Select "View" - "Fix" to view the track.

7. Select "View" - "CN0" to view the received signal strength of each satellite.

8. Select "View" - "Constellation" to view the current position of satellites in the sky.

9. Select "View" - "Data" to view the detailed information of the positioning.

Tip: If you need to start logging, click "Serialport" - "Save".