>How to Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK)<

If real-time connection between the rover and base station are unavailable, you can utilize the PPK (Post-Processed Kinematic) method for high-accuracy positioning. PPK allows you to collect GNSS data in the field and apply corrections after the data collection process is complete by using a PPK offline software, this method typically achieves centimeter-level accuracy.

To implement PPK, you need at least two EX-1 units: one configured in "Base Station" mode and one or more configured in "Rover" mode.

Base Station Mode Configuration:

Copy the configuration file to the root directory of the EX-1 and proceed with the configuration steps.

Rover Mode Configuration:

Copy the configuration file to the root directory of the EX-1 and proceed with the configuration steps.

After configuring both units, power on both EX-1 devices simultaneously. The devices will automatically start recording without any additional action required.

For more accurate results, keep the straight-line distance between the base station and the rover within 20 km.

After completing the recording, refer to the following link to process the data files and obtain RTK tracks.

Please refer to this article for detailed instructions>
