>How to Set NMEA Position Data to High-Precision Mode<

The EX-1's default NMEA sentence has a position accuracy of 5 decimal places, with a minimum resolution of approximately 1~2 cm. You can extend the position accuracy to 7 decimal places, with a minimum resolution of approximately 0.2 mm, by following these steps.

Default precision:

After setting to high-precision mode:

When RTK positioning is active and the antenna remains stationary, the track points may slowly drift within a 1 cm range, this is normal.

Open and connect to "u-center." Learn more>

Click "View" - "Configuration View."

Click "NMEA (NMEA Protocol)," check "High precision mode," and finally click "Send" to apply the settings.

If you want the settings to be retained after powering off, click "CFG (Configuration)," check the boxes as shown below, and finally click "Send" to save the settings.
